Haplo are powering the University of Westminster’s new research repository, WestminsterResearch. The Haplo Repository, a major step forward in repository software, offers significant advantages for institutional repositories.
The University of Westminster now have a single repository of research outputs, making it easy to see all research outputs related to a project in one place. Benefitting from extraordinary flexibility, Haplo Repository can represent any type of information enabling institutions to manage datasets, traditional and non-traditional output types in a single repository. All research outputs can be searched simultaneously and all outputs from a researcher, research project or department can be displayed together.
The University of Westminster was looking for a repository capable of handling images and other non-traditional research outputs and the creation of dynamic portfolios to support the capture of practice-based research in disciplines such as arts, media and architecture. Haplo is able to support a wide variety of research due to its highly flexible metadata, configurable visual display, and elegant collections (portfolio) function. This represents a significant advantage to institutions over traditional repository systems which have struggled to handle the increasing breadth of different types of research output.
Haplo’s sophisticated workflows enable researchers to easily submit research outputs for deposit, and provides extensive tools for repository managers to streamline the deposit process. The overhead of administering restricted and embargoed files is significantly reduced with Haplo’s integrated file access request function, enabling the university to more easily meet funder and publisher restrictions.
The Haplo Repository is an integral part of Haplo Research Manager, a comprehensive research information system. The University of Westminster has used Haplo for several years to support internal research workflows, providing their researchers with a single interface for repository deposits, Graduate School management, research ethics monitoring, and more. By extending use of Haplo to support the newly relaunched research repository, the University now benefits from a single system supporting the entire research lifecycle from project conception through to deposit and discoverability of research outputs.
Haplo Repository provides institutions with full control over the visual styling of their public interface, enabling the repository to integrate seamlessly into the rest of the university’s website.
The Haplo Repository is open source, under the liberal Mozilla Public Licence (MPLv2). A new release to include all the recently developed functionality, including the REF module, will be available shortly. Haplo make their work open source to ensure that institutions have complete control over this important system, and to make it available to everyone who needs it.
An ISO27001 certified company, Haplo is the reassuring choice for secure repositories.
Contact us to find out more about the Haplo Repository.